Deaf Bible Conference International 2020

November 30 – December 4, 2020

Bible preaching from around the world with a heart to reach the Deaf for Christ.

And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.

Psalm 90:17

Great Preaching in Sign Language

Pastors and missionaries from around the United States and the world are coming together to challenge our hearts and minds with a message from God’s Word. Tune in each morning and evening the week of November 30 – December 4 for more great preaching in Sign Language.

Jon Barr

President, Silent Word Ministries

Ray Bradley

Missionary to the Deaf, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Frank Chávez

Assistant Pastor, Efata Baptist Church, Lima, Peru

Matt Dundon

Deaf Church Planter

Rocky Hall

Deaf Missionary, Ghana, Africa

Chris Harris

Deaf Pastor, Solid Rock Baptist Church, Berlin, NJ

Steve Houghton

Evangelist to the Deaf

Lee Johnson

Missionary to the Deaf, Jesus the Vine Baptist Church, Chiclayo, Perú

Bruce Kelly

Deaf Pastor, Deaf Baptist Church, Smyrna, GA

Ronnie King

Pastor, Quail Run Deaf Baptist Church, Oro Valley, AZ

Joe Kotvas

Missionary to the Deaf, Efata Baptist Church, Lima, Peru

Joseph Kotvas

Missionary to the Deaf, Efata Baptist Church, Lima, Peru

John Olson

Deaf Missionary, GO Deaf Missions

David Peach

Missionary to the Deaf of Latin America

Jorge Pozo

Deaf Missionary, Efata Baptist Church, Lima, Peru

Jonathan Ramirez

Missionary, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Rafael Ramirez

Missionary, Caracas, Venezuela

Reggie Rempel

Deaf Pastor, Harvest Baptist Church, Ringgold, GA

Ronnie Rice

Deaf Evangelist, USA

Cory Ricker

Missionary to the Deaf,
El Calvario Baptist Church, Cuzco, Peru

Evangelist Jim Sloan

Jim Sloan

Evangelist to the Deaf

Mark Truitt

Pastor, Deaf Liberty Baptist Church, Overland Park, KS

Conference Organizers